Thursday, 20 May 2010

The Guide

Format: 594*841 mm
Medium: Ink, coloured crayon, emulsion and a found old map
This collage is a responce to a 'Cave Birds' poem. My reading of the poem encoraged me to create a slightly more abstract piece. This piece was about migrating birds.


Format: 841*594 mm
Medium: Inks & Bleech on Somerset 300gsm
This was to illustrate one of the poems by Ted Hughes, hopefully I should finish illustrating the book by the end of summer 2010.

Council Bird

Format: 594*841 mm
Medium: Inks, Emulsion, Graphite and Oil Stick
This piece was inspired by Quentin Blake's 'The Life of Birds' This then triggered a new direction for my degree show. I was going to illustrate Ted Hughe's poems 'Cave Birds'. This piece was depicting a rough-council-estate-single-mum type of person.

Freezing Slide

Format: 420*594 mm
Medium: Graphit, Ink and Emulsion
This is based on a little sketch that I did when my house was freezing and a horrbile place to live in. The manic charchter is sliding down the chart - as the temperature drops, the days slide deeper into the winter months.

Stormy Weather

Format: 297*420 mm
Medium: Ink on creased cartridge 210 gsm paper
This was a quick & gutsy experiment exploring stormy weather. The accidental figure creates a feeling of isolation and turbulence.

Organic, Catastrophic Triptych

Format: 707*177.5 mm
Medium: Inks, Bleech, Emulsion & Acrylic
This triptych was a personal and abstract exploration. In the exploration I have compared the uncanny resemblance of broccoli and a mould molecule to an atom bomb mushroom. The third illustration was inspired from a photo of a Hiroshima victim.

A Difficult Birth

Format: 420*594 mm
Medium: Ink, Emulsion and Graphite
A humorous narrative comparing an avocado to a pregnant woman. The pseudo-
medical approach was applied to make the narrative feel more scientific.

London Cycling Regime

Format: 297*210 mm
Medium: Inks on Somerset 250 gsm
This piece was done for an AOI competition - the brief was to creat an illustration to show the benefits of cycling around London. I chose the idea that it can be faster and is definitly a healthier option.

D & AD Invite

Format: 105*148.5mm
Medium: Inks, Bleech, Emulsion on Somerset 300gsm, collaged together on photoshop
Another competition - this was my entry for the D & AD invite. The idea was that the roots were grounded into the text "BA HONs Illustration, University of the West of England, and from that grew the different styled flowers that take bloom exposing the name of the exhibition for emerging talent. The stalks are a literal metaphor for the growth that has occured in us all.

Bristol Short Story Prize Book Jacket

Format: 220*288 mm
Medium: Ink on Somerset 300gsm, composited on photoshop
This was for another competition. It was to illustrate a jacket for a collection of short stories from Bristol. The idea is quite simple, effective and surreal.

Perfume Book Jacket

Format: 198*276 mm
Medium: Hair, Mezalin, Lard and Sand-blasted glass layered and composited on photoshop
Designing a book jacket for the book 'Perfume'. This was for the Penguin Design competition. I have tried to interact different elements from the novel into the cover. The subtle outline of the female torso was inspired from a tree, the hair is also a subtle translation of scent. The mezalin and lard are both elements which are used by the charchter to kill his victims.

Smell and Taste Confusion

Format: 240*320 mm
Medium: Ink and Bleech on Aquarelle 425gsm paper
This diptych portrays the smell and taste dillusions that Ketamine abusers may get as part of the hallucinatory experience.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

K Death

Format: 594*841
Medium: Inks, Graphite, Acrylic, Chalk and Gum Strip
This painting describes death from Ketamine abuse. One of the obvious symptoms of over use is passing blood in your stool and in your urine.

Life Flash

Format: 841*554 mm
Medium: Graphite, Emulsion, Inks & Acrylic
This piece is about the 'life-flashing-before-my-eyes' experience that you get when you fall into a K Hole.

Falling Into A K Hole

Format: 594*841
Medium: Graphite & Ink
This drawing is a dramatic representation of a Ketamine junkie slowly falling into his grave - his brain slowly dissolving.

Audio Hallucinations

Format: 594*841 mm
Medium: Emulsion, Graphite, Collage & Varnish
In this painting I am describing audio hallucinations that you get when taking the drug Ketamine. The horse is a representation of the chemical, with audio waves and the mental matrix used to symbolize the action.

K Hole Diagram

Format: 594 * 841 mm
Medium: Acrylic, Emulsion and Graphite on Somerset 300 gsm
This piece is describing the effect of a Ketamine overdose and how the victim falls into a 'K Hole'